Safety showers and eyewash stations are critical in environments where chemical spills are a potential threat. ThermOmegaTech®, a leader in self-actuating thermostatic technology, has designed an innovative solution supplying consistently tepid water on demand to meet OSHA and ANSI Z358.1 safety requirements: the Therm-O-Mix® station.
The Therm-O-Mix® station is an instantaneous steam-fired water heater that utilizes a facility’s existing steam and water supply to deliver and maintain 80°F tepid water to emergency safety showers and face/eyewash stations. No electricity is required for the station to operate which makes it the ideal solution for refineries and factories with explosion-proof environments.
• Self-Actuating – requires no electric
• Uses existing plant steam and water supply
• Maintains constant 80°F output
• Easy to retrofit on existing shower/eyewash stations
• Compact – No complex recirculation systems required
We also offer the Therm-O-Mix® WWM which provides a reliable source of tepid water using existing hot and cold water supply when steam lines are not readily available, the ESS emergency safety shower water heater which delivers tepid water to an emergency drench system, freeze protection valves, and scald protection valves.
Provide the Optimal Temperature for Your Equipment
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